Saturday, 20 February 2010

Cardinal Napier testimony - 2009

Despite an unfortunate letter from Cardinal Levada in 2007 about Vassula, Cardinal Napier from South Africa wrote the following strong support for her and her mission in 2009:

The Cardinal writes:

In May controversial 'messenger of God' Vassula Ryden visited Durban where she spoke to a number of groups. Because some of the following questions were being asked about her – whether her 'revelations' are regarded as genuine; whether she is orthodox in her writings; and what her standing is with the Catholic Church - I invited her to the Chancery for a conversation over lunch.

Our conversation made it clear that her calling to be a mouth-piece whom Jesus Christ is using took place in extraordinary circumstances. But what is even more challenging is her relationship with the Catholic Church.

In 1995 the Holy See made it known that it had serious doubts about the authenticity of the revelations published by Vassula. In 2004 in response to a request by Vassula the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith made a thorough investigation. Cardinal Ratzinger then Prefect of the Congregation stated in a letter that Vassula had answered satisfactorily the questions put to her. However the matter was confused anew by Cardinal Levada's 2007 statement which reaffirms the 1995 notification but totally ignores the 2004 statement.

It was therefore with keen interest that I awaited the opportunity to engage her in conversation. What struck me from the start and what remains a lasting impression is her total openness - especially when asked to explain what happened to her or why it should have happened to her at all. She is just as puzzled why she should have been chosen since she had completely lapsed from the practice of her Greek orthodox faith.

Another matter of interest is her relationship with the Holy See. She enjoys cordial relations with many of the top officials at the Vatican who are anything but negative towards her.

It is therefore reasonable to state categorically that as far as the Church is concerned Vassula poses no threat to the Catholic Faith whatsoever. Indeed the messages which are communicated through her are consistent with the Church's own call to repentance and a return to the basics of the faith - in particular the basic prayers such as the Rosary and other devotions once so common in Catholic family and parish spiritual life.

The above message of the Cardinal was printed in the Catholic News Bulletin of the Archdiocese of Durban, June 2009, No.464. It is also available on the diocese website here.


Jackie said...

It's unfortunate that some church officials cannot discern private revelations such as this. I don't understand it . I'm glad it isn't on the forbidden index of books like the Poem of the man god.

If God Himself commands His messages to be published/spoken/written down, then I think it means they are meant to be read and Catholic officials shouldn't be standing in the way .

All be it we must have faith that it is God who speaks to Vassula . If I can discern the messages as coming from God , why can't they? I don't understand it .

David A. said...

I know how you feel, Jackie, but I think it is worth mentioning here the undoubted number of false 'revelations' that are out there. Vassula described them as falling on us "like confetti"! This is the excuse used by many clergy for being negative about ALL private revelation.

I, myself, was caught up with two such false missions many years ago and spent a lot of time promoting them but eventually learned they were not authentic. And I would add that at the time I was certain they were authentic!

What I find unforgivable with respect to Vassula is that Cardinal Ratzinger and the CDF made a thorough investigation of her and her writings and could find no problems, yet elements in the Vatican continue to view her negatively.

Medjugorje has mainly escaped such treatment until now but there are signs that the same elements in the Vatican who are negative to Vassula are now trying to pull Medjugorje down also.

atsuwi said...

Halo Jackie and David,
I'm also at a loss as to how anyone can stand in the way of messages from the Lord.This shows how discernment is lacking and the consequent lack of spiritual direction offered by the Lord Jesus Himself to His lambs. I pray abd believe that as long as there are a few who search and long for Him, His messages will be heard and His plan of salvation realised against all odds.
I have read the 'Poem of the Man God'(no longer on the index that ceased to exist) and 'True life in God' and marvel at how God's children are totally unaware that such Messages of Love exist. I came across both messages surfing on the internet and was shocked that such treasures existed and I was completely oblivious to them.
This is what all people of God should be shouting with the 'gospel of their lives'like St. Bernard would say.We shall be known by our fruits when we are fed with the roots of Love.How many would be living much better lives? People are truly 'dying' from lack of knowledge. Thanks David for your efforts to spread the good news abroad through discussion forums and this blog.

New Jerusalem said...

I believe that if TRUTH is lived then people see it transforming others, they will follow. Let us not lose courage by the negative reactions and approaches of others toward the the chosen people that God is using as His instruments. Let us unite in prayer to help encourage such instruments of God and help them fight for the many lost souls in our world today. Onward Christian Soldiers.

KelliJ said...

When we are persecuted Jesus tells us in the messages that it sanctifies us and Glorify God. No pupil is greater than his Teacher. He was persecuted therefore His Bride Will too.